Week 2 10 - 16 Feb
“Race to the Pole” Bring clothes suitable for blizzard conditions.
Week 3 17 - 23 Feb
“The Volcano”: Nothing required
Week 4 24 - 1 Mar
“Bus Accident”. Come as a tourist
Week 5 2 - 8 Mar
“Go Easy With the Chilli!”. Any Mexican dress ups.
Week 6 9 - 15 Mar
“The Show Must Go On”. Come as an actor or member of the stage crew
Week 7 16 - 22 Mar
“Exploring the Caves”. Bring a head torch, helmet or suitable clothing.
Week 8 23 - 29 Mar
“Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad”. Come as a knight or a lady
Week 9 30 - 5 Apr
“Business as Usual”. Come as a customer or a sales assistant