Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Our Term 4 Productions

We have confirmed four plays that are beingperformed by our classes on the weekend of the 17 and 18 December.

-The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe
-Pirate Joe
-Circus Capers
-The League of Freaky Creatures.

Production practise is in full swing and the students are doing an awesome job!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Rangiora and St Martins Studios

Our Rangiora and St Martins studios are continuing as normal today.  We'll see you there!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Our Shirley and Fendalton classes are cancelled today.  Schools are closed and if it isn't safe enough to go to school, then it isn't safe enough to head to drama classes.  I hope you are all keeping warm at home and enjoying the fun of winter!  We look forward to seeing you next week instead!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Queenspark Change of Venue

We are moving our Queenspark class to a new venue!  From 4th August we will be at the Parkview Lounge at 75 Queenspark Drive.  We look forward to seeing you all there.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Enrolments are now being taken for term 3.  Please phone 359 6546, if you would like to enrol your child in our fantastic drama classes in Christchurch and Canterbury.

Our term 3 classes begin the week beginning 1 August, and we will be completing a 10 week term.  Towards the end of term 3 we will start preparing for our Production which is being held in term 4.

I hope you have a great school holidays.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


A reminder that it is good practise to bring a water bottle to class.  We use our voices a lot - especially during a performance term and water helps!


At the end of this term we invite the parents along for a Parent Day Presentation.  As parents are not invited to watch our classes each week, this is a fantastic chance for you to come along and view the type of things we do within a lesson.
It is also a chance for the students to peform for an audience, in a safe and easy way because it is just within a normal class lesson.
Newsletters will go out soon, with all the details!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Early Payment Discount

Early payments for next term must be received by 16 April - strictly- to qualify for the 10% discount.

Last Week for TERM 2

This week is the last weeek for term one.  A reminder to parents that all enrolments are continued into next term, unless we hear otherwise.  Phone me on 359 6546 to let me know if you are NOT returning.
Have a safe and happy holiday!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

St Martins Class has restarted

We are using the Opawa Baptist Church hall on Wilson's Rd for the next two weeks, at least.  We look forward to seeing everyone back!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Most classes have restarted!

All classes, except St Martins and Shirley, have restarted and are continuing as normal!  Please check with the teacher as to what week she is teaching so that you are bringing the correct PROP or COSTUME!

St Martins

Risingholme is unable to be used until April.  I am investigating some other options and will email everyone if or when I can confirm another venue.  Worst case scenario, we should get the last two weeks of term at Risingholme!

Shirley Class

Banks Ave school has still not reopened so classes are suspended.  They plan to open on 23 March so I will make contact with them after this date to check the availablitiy of their hall.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Classes Restarting

The following classes have restarted since the Earthquake:

Yet to be confirmed for this Saturday – Paparoa Street.

Yet to be confirmed for 15 March – Avonhead.

Oaklands will restart 17 March.

Classes unable to open – Queenspark, Shirley, St Martins, at this stage.

Thank you for your patience.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lincoln Studio

Our Upper Primary class thoroughly enjoyed the Impromptu Telephone conversations!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dates for 2011 Drama Classes in Christchurch

Term 1 -  10 lessons (7 Feb – 16 Apr)

Term 2 -  10 lessons (2 May – 9 Jul)
               Classes as normal Queen's Birthday – Mon 6 June

Term 3 -  10 lessons (1 Aug – 8 Oct)

Term 4 -   9 lessons, 8 weeks + production (24 Oct – 16 Dec)
                Classes resume on Labour Day – Mon 24 October

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our Fantastic Drama Teachers in 2011

Kirsty Willis – Principal
Kate Wilson – Teacher / Senior Trainer
Samantha Boyce Da Cruz – Teacher
Marlies Fornasier-Stanley – Teacher
Anna McBreen – Teacher / Admin Assistant
Michelle Robinson - Teacher
Prudence Spencer - Teacher

Monday, January 24, 2011

Starting Dates for Christchurch Drama Classes

Classes commence as follows:
ž Monday 7 Feb             Fendalton          Shirley
ž Tuesday 8 Feb            Avonhead          Amberley          Ashburton
ž Wednesday 9 Feb      St Martins         Rangiora
ž Thursday 10 Feb         Queenspark      Oaklands          Timaru
ž Friday 11 Feb              Bishopdale        Lincoln
ž Saturday 12 Feb         Paparoa St

Avonhead class times have changed to begin at 3.30pm and 4.30pm.